Thursday, January 1, 2009

And so we come to the end of 2008

Well haven't I been pretty rubbish at keeping this up over the last month...

The end of the year has given me a chance to reflect on the year gone by and thought it was about time I blogged again. It's certainly been an eventful year... Fallings out, makings up, surviving final year of Uni (it seemed doubtful at times), getting a job, graduating, leaving Belfast and going to London, going to India with work, moving to Canada, meeting hundreds of new people, holidays.... A lot for a little person to pack into a year that's for sure. The end of an era some would say leaving education (finally) and joining the world of work (even it has been a rather rocky start!).
Looking back I was either incredibily brave or particularly stupid to just up and move to Canada without knowing anyone or where I was really going. But two months in and I've started making myself a life there. Quite proud of myself really. Great little apartment, wonderful friends who have just accepted this little crazy english person, skiing at the weekends and living in such a beautiful part of the world, and hopefully some seriously interesting and challenging work things will come my way in the new year too.

December was a super busy month in Calgary, much partying was had and of course some working too! The Christmas party was fun in the Calgary Tower, chance for us all to get dressed up. We scrub up alright I think!

Calgary got super cold and super snowy, which was a bit of a shock to the system. Still getting my head round the fact that I have to trudge through the snow every day to get to work but yet can't ski on it... seems fundamentally wrong to me! As for the layers of clothing needed to cope with -35 degrees celsius and then getting them all off in time so as not to boil when you get inside, not quite got the hang of that yet!

As Christmas drew closer and my trip back to the UK loomed, consulting life as I didn't previously know it reared its perhaps ugly head. A lot of the people that have made my move to Canada much easier are moving on to other things. Either in other companies in other countries, or with ThoughtWorks still but in other countries. I was told not to get attached to people in this environment where we're all moving around all the time, but its hard not to when you work/socialise and hang out with the same people. Also makes me think that actually the world can be a pretty small place, and I now know more people in more crazy places! So the new year will be interesting, and with it I guess probably a whole new bunch of people to join us!

And so to holidaying the UK, strange concept in itself. After a seriously hectic time trying to get back to London. Tom who was returning back to the UK office and I landed in a damp and warmer England. Have had a lovely time catching up on all the things that I've missed from the uk, friends, family, fish and chips, surfing...

Spent the first couple of days showing my Belfast friend Danielle on a wirlwind stop tour of Devon. And then heaps of family do's. Christmas with my Mum and Boxing day with Dad, and a particularly cold but sunny surf with my brother. New Years Eve was spent down in the local village pub, complete with all my old friends from Primary School. It was awesome.

So to 2009. Am really looking forward to a couple of days in London ahead of returning to Canada, which I can't wait to do. Looking forward to spending more time with people and hopefully some interesting work opportunities.

I hope that whether your 2008 was good or bad you have taken something positive from it. And may 2009 be the year where everything falls into place.

1 comment:

peterbruffell said...

As always anne, reading about your wonderfull world has brightened up an otherwise gloomy Liverpool day. Im really happy you've found that someone special, you deserve it. Bless your Soppieness!. Your outlook on life is still as refreshing as it was when i met you all those years ago, cheered me up no end. Anyhoo that's enough praise, don't want to embarass you too much, lol. All is well here! Let me know the next time you in old-Blighty so we can catch up. Miss ya! love always,Scouse. xxx